Re-Visiting One Page Websites

     We recently did a one-page website for a new start-up, and it really was a good solution for them. Thinking about it. When you start out you don't need much more than. "Here is who we are...What we do... and how to contact us".
     Granted, this won’t a viable solution for everyone. However It is a GREAT solution for those without a lot of content. Filling pages with huge photo galleries and videos is great. Having a Multi-Page website full of content and separate pages for “Meet Our Staff” pages of Corporate history, awards and news clippings etc... is without a doubt better. However, some don’t need all that space or have the content and material to fill those pages.
These one-page websites are a better fit for a new or small business.
Below are a couple of examples.
They have the, Who we are..What we do, How to reach us, including online forms.

Quick Turn 603
JC Mechanical Contracting